Thursday, May 19, 2016


My sweet sweet Iris Nicole, you came into this world on March 14th, 2016 (your grandma Debbi's birthday), weighing in at 7.5 pounds and 19.5 inches. My smallest little baby, you were perfect. Your hair was brown, your eyes were blue. You loved snuggling right away and wouldn't latch on mommy. You were born at Kaiser Fontana and we got to take you home the very next day after mommy had her c-section. We got one full week of just you me and daddy, a house of peace and sleep. Then you met sister and brother. Since that day, you haven't been the BEST sleeper. you have learned to adapt to the sounds, the screams and the crying, but your naps are 30 minutes at a time.  you don't like to be set down, you love to be held by a solly baby wrap or a sakura bloom wrap. you throw up after almost every feed. At 3 weeks of age, you became a cryer, just like big sister. you arch your back, you poop every 3-4 days, and you let everyone know you're in a room with your cries. At exactly 1 month of age, you weighed in at 10.15 pounds, a little chunk of formula and bottled breast milk (because you refused to latch to mommy). At 1 month, things you seem to enjoy or tolerate is mommy milk in a bottle, being held, car rides, big sister, big brother, being in water (bath or spa), being outdoors, and Nana's voice. between debs 4th birthday and mom trying to adjust to 3 babies at home, we missed your one month appointment, but made it to a 5 week appointment. turns out you're just fine.