Tuesday, April 4, 2017

ONE year and counting

My sweet little baby girl, you are ONE!!  Already walking, talking, sassy and sleepless. 
You started taking steps on February 1st, about two or three for a piece of a twizzler (I had to bribe all kids with candy to walk) . And less than two weeks later you were off to the races. You LOVE to climb, on the couch, on stepstools, on outside chairs and the kids jeeps. You love when big sister pushes you in a stroller or a bike ride to get smoothies. You get all fussy and the only thing that calms you down is opening the front of back door. The second you see the outside you are silenced. Knowing you are my last baby has been sad, but so bittersweet. I have taken the time to savor the moments, to cry at new beginnings and the endings of a "baby" phase. I will long remember these days, where it is madness and chaos in the house, but squeals of laughs and joy all throughout the day. And while everyday I pray for two naps outta you, you don't wanna miss a THING. And you know what? Neither do I. I always look at you with joy, knowing you were the last piece to the puzzle in my heart. That you have completed my life's mission. You have made me a mother for the last time. And you have made it oh so fun!!! 
You are STILL breastfeeding, I know I know, but it's sooo hard to quit. It's true when they say it creates a bond between a mother and her child. I enjoy the quiet with you, watching your eyes roll until they close and I quietly try to place you in the crib for a nap. I love knowing that you were kept alive solely off me for the first year of your life. I also love knowing that we stuck it out, even when it was oh so hard in the beginning to feed you. You have been a challenge since you were born, trying to find a balance, trying to keep the older kids quiet so you can sleep, trying to keep you happy while still giving your brother and sister attention too. But I wouldn't take it back for the world!!! Thank you Iris Nicole alexander for being born, for completing our family and for bringing us ALL so much joy!!! Happy 1st birthday my sweet sweet girl 

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