Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SEVEN months of sweetness

my little lady, you are already SEVEN months old!!! And I remember everyone saying,  your third baby is soooo easy. They go with the flow, they sleep through all sorts of noise, they just adapt. LIES, all lies. You LOATHE sleep. You never nap. You are so afraid to miss out on anything. If you fall asleep in the car, the SECOND that car door opens, your eyes are wide open, ready to get up and play. You nap for maybe about an hour or two during the day. You rest your bones at about 7-8 pm and are up around midnight to eat again. Then up again at 0300, again at 0500, and up around 0700 with Deborah and Eli because you can't stand to miss a moment. You still HATE your car seat, cry every time you are put in it, unless I swivel it to forward seating (which no, I do NOT drive with your forward facing). You LOVE being outside,  walks in your stroller, your jumper, brother and sister (obviously) . Being carried in your ergobaby, baths, the spa, being held outwards (facing the world) , food (mostly real food and less purée food) . You can roll over, you sleep MOSTLY in your crib (mom learned after Eli not to let a baby bedshare for too long. You refuse formula, barely take a bottle when I am at work, and are super stubborn. You refuse to not be held by mom if she is in the room.  You are starting to have stranger danger.  Your hair is blonde, your eyes changing from blue to grey.  You wear size 3 diapers, you weigh 20 ish pounds. You're beautiful and mostly smiley unless you are sleepy, then you're hell on wheels.   

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Month 5

We spent your fifth month FLYING on our very first airplane trip to Chicago. We went to go see uncle Joe and meet your cousin Ryder Robinson. You did AMAZING on the flight TO Chicago. Not one cry, are on takeoff and slept for over half the flight then played for the rest. You did okay on your trip, a bit out of your environment. You sleep from about 10-3 and then wake about every hour to eat after your first stretch of sleep. You continue to sleep with mommy in bed ( a habit I need to break but really like the little sleep you do give me) . You weigh 17 pounds. You LOVE food. You eye everybody while they are eating. You love being held, seeing sister and brother, being outside, being in the baby carrier, your jumper and the water (pool or bath). You're teething something unreal. I don't remember your sister making a peep with her teeth coming in. Your brother struggled a little. But YOU, you cry ALOT. You put your fist in your MOUTH a lot. You refuse a pacifier. You HATE your car seat and any sort of stroller ride. I am holding onto even moment as we are certain you are our last baby. Writing that brings tears to my eyes.
Mothering has completed me, made a part of me feel while that was lost when your grandmother passed away 10 years ago this Christmas Eve. You are such an unexpected blessing to our family. Deborah and Eli love on you so hard it's not even funny. Eli tends to squeeze you a little hard but only out of love. Deborah is a mini mommy, watching your every move and telling me everything you need. She loves picking out your outfit for the day with a matching bow. She also LOVES to match you. Happy 5 months my sweet sweet second girl ❤️

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

FIRST food

Oh man sweet girl, you are almost FIVE months old!!! Weighing 17 pounds and wearing size 3 diapers, you are a HAM!! You're already in 9-12 months clothes. You have been eyeing everyone's food for WEEKS now so I decided it was time to slap some food in your little belly!!! Last week I teased you at Disneyland in the 100 degree weather with a strawberry Popsicle lick or ten. You had baby rice apple & pear combo. Big sister LOVED feeding you. 
You have been such a good baby. It was a rough start but you seem to have developed a routine. You go to bed about 9pm and usually only wake up 1 to 2 times to eat and go right back down. You adore your brother and sister !!! Whenever you are fussy going outside can immediately cheer you up. You love to be worn in a carrier or sling. You HATE your car seat (so did Eli) . You LOVE the pool. You roll on both sides (back to belly, belly to back) . You have found your get. You are fussy with teething and nothing seems to help but breastfeeding. You scared us and fell off the bed a few weeks ago. You scooted with your feet all the way off mommy and daddy's bed. I have a welding you will be a early crawler just like Eli was. You are always wanting to be standing, never sitting. We are so lucky to have you!!! We cannot picture our family without your sweet face 

Thursday, May 19, 2016


My sweet sweet Iris Nicole, you came into this world on March 14th, 2016 (your grandma Debbi's birthday), weighing in at 7.5 pounds and 19.5 inches. My smallest little baby, you were perfect. Your hair was brown, your eyes were blue. You loved snuggling right away and wouldn't latch on mommy. You were born at Kaiser Fontana and we got to take you home the very next day after mommy had her c-section. We got one full week of just you me and daddy, a house of peace and sleep. Then you met sister and brother. Since that day, you haven't been the BEST sleeper. you have learned to adapt to the sounds, the screams and the crying, but your naps are 30 minutes at a time.  you don't like to be set down, you love to be held by a solly baby wrap or a sakura bloom wrap. you throw up after almost every feed. At 3 weeks of age, you became a cryer, just like big sister. you arch your back, you poop every 3-4 days, and you let everyone know you're in a room with your cries. At exactly 1 month of age, you weighed in at 10.15 pounds, a little chunk of formula and bottled breast milk (because you refused to latch to mommy). At 1 month, things you seem to enjoy or tolerate is mommy milk in a bottle, being held, car rides, big sister, big brother, being in water (bath or spa), being outdoors, and Nana's voice. between debs 4th birthday and mom trying to adjust to 3 babies at home, we missed your one month appointment, but made it to a 5 week appointment. turns out you're just fine.