Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SEVEN months of sweetness

my little lady, you are already SEVEN months old!!! And I remember everyone saying,  your third baby is soooo easy. They go with the flow, they sleep through all sorts of noise, they just adapt. LIES, all lies. You LOATHE sleep. You never nap. You are so afraid to miss out on anything. If you fall asleep in the car, the SECOND that car door opens, your eyes are wide open, ready to get up and play. You nap for maybe about an hour or two during the day. You rest your bones at about 7-8 pm and are up around midnight to eat again. Then up again at 0300, again at 0500, and up around 0700 with Deborah and Eli because you can't stand to miss a moment. You still HATE your car seat, cry every time you are put in it, unless I swivel it to forward seating (which no, I do NOT drive with your forward facing). You LOVE being outside,  walks in your stroller, your jumper, brother and sister (obviously) . Being carried in your ergobaby, baths, the spa, being held outwards (facing the world) , food (mostly real food and less purée food) . You can roll over, you sleep MOSTLY in your crib (mom learned after Eli not to let a baby bedshare for too long. You refuse formula, barely take a bottle when I am at work, and are super stubborn. You refuse to not be held by mom if she is in the room.  You are starting to have stranger danger.  Your hair is blonde, your eyes changing from blue to grey.  You wear size 3 diapers, you weigh 20 ish pounds. You're beautiful and mostly smiley unless you are sleepy, then you're hell on wheels.   

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