Thursday, September 1, 2016

Month 5

We spent your fifth month FLYING on our very first airplane trip to Chicago. We went to go see uncle Joe and meet your cousin Ryder Robinson. You did AMAZING on the flight TO Chicago. Not one cry, are on takeoff and slept for over half the flight then played for the rest. You did okay on your trip, a bit out of your environment. You sleep from about 10-3 and then wake about every hour to eat after your first stretch of sleep. You continue to sleep with mommy in bed ( a habit I need to break but really like the little sleep you do give me) . You weigh 17 pounds. You LOVE food. You eye everybody while they are eating. You love being held, seeing sister and brother, being outside, being in the baby carrier, your jumper and the water (pool or bath). You're teething something unreal. I don't remember your sister making a peep with her teeth coming in. Your brother struggled a little. But YOU, you cry ALOT. You put your fist in your MOUTH a lot. You refuse a pacifier. You HATE your car seat and any sort of stroller ride. I am holding onto even moment as we are certain you are our last baby. Writing that brings tears to my eyes.
Mothering has completed me, made a part of me feel while that was lost when your grandmother passed away 10 years ago this Christmas Eve. You are such an unexpected blessing to our family. Deborah and Eli love on you so hard it's not even funny. Eli tends to squeeze you a little hard but only out of love. Deborah is a mini mommy, watching your every move and telling me everything you need. She loves picking out your outfit for the day with a matching bow. She also LOVES to match you. Happy 5 months my sweet sweet second girl ❤️

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